Primum's Year in Review 2023
Corey Zankowski

As we close the chapter on 2023, it's a moment to reflect on the remarkable journey of Primum in the field of oncology. This year has been a testament to the power of collaboration and shared knowledge in advancing medical science and patient care.

We began the year with a small but dedicated group of oncologists committed to exchanging insights and advancing our understanding of cancer treatment. Over the months, this number has grown impressively by 300%, reflecting not just an increase in numbers but also a significant expansion in the depth and diversity of expertise within our network.

Perhaps even more striking is the growth in engagement across our platform. The number of inquiries, a key indicator of active participation and knowledge sharing, is now 10X the number at the close of 2022. This figure is more than just a metric; it represents countless interactions, discussions, and exchanges of critical information with the potential to shape cancer patient outcomes in communities across the US.

Our progress this year would not have been possible without the invaluable contributions of our oncology subspecialists. Their dedication to answering questions from peers has been a cornerstone of our success, fostering an environment of continuous learning and support.

Equally important are our community oncologists and oncology fellows. You are the lifeblood of Primum, driving forward our mission with your relentless pursuit of knowledge and your commitment to patient care. Your active involvement has been instrumental in shaping a dynamic and responsive community.

As we look to the future, we are filled with optimism and purpose. The strides we've made in 2023 are not just milestones but stepping stones to further advancements and deeper collaborations. We are more committed than ever to fostering a community where oncologists can connect, share, and grow together.

Thank you to everyone for being a part of this journey. Here's to continuing our shared mission in the years to come.

Together, we are making a difference. Together, we are Primum. 

Click here to join our community!

Corey Zankowski

Corey is Primum's CEO.